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Sunday, March 30, 2008

Back to Pulau Redang

Two weeks ago we traveled from sleepy Terengganu to even sleepier Pulau Redang again. We stayed at a much less expensive resort than the first trip. It was on a long coast of beach surrounded by coral. The resort offered snorkeling at a marine park conservation, filled with natural reefs and fish tucked back in one of the island's inlets. Schools of fish swam right against me, one even bite my toe. There was also a huge Moray Eel living in the reef, revealing 4 ft of its massive body at one point.
As the sun set, the moon rose up from the water. It was one of the most beautiful things I've seen. At night, the jungle around us came to life. We could see giant bats flying around and hear monkeys playing in the trees.
It's truly a gorgeous and exotic place.

Random, tiny island on the way to Redang.

Ahhhh... beach.


Passing clouds made a keyhole for the low moon. The light became a spot on the water.

Moon rising over the water.


Judy said...

Wow..........absolutely stunning..... I cannot believe you're getting to experience all of this. I'm so jealous!!!!!! :)


Uncle Mark said...

Aaron, finally had a chance to view and enjoy what you are doing. Pictures are fabulous..sunset, remarkable site! Free the monkees.
You look great...maybe hair a bit shorter, you think. Have fun, enjoy work and feel good.

Uncle Mark

Renee Kurilla said...

Aaron...I don't think I've EVER seen a sky that color blue! -wow- I'm so happy for you that you get to see all of these amazing things :)

Aaron Hawkins said...

Thanks everyone! Wish you could all be here experiencing this too.