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Sunday, July 6, 2008
Crazy Bends.
Check out this overzealous bendy straw. I thought this was an awesome mistake until I checked the rest of the juice boxes I bought. Apparently here, two bends are better than one! Malaysian manufacturing is literally one upping the competish.
Thank you Aaron - you have totally made my day....... the smile on my face is huge. The joy you are able to find in the most ordinary of places and things is beyond refreshing. Who knew that a double bendy straw could bring such happiness to the world?? My kids are already begging me for some...... I can see it now - "My cousin went to Malaysia for several months and all I asked him to bring back for me were these cool double bendy straws!!" :o) :o)
The real question is this, tho: Will you be able to stash enough away for everyone at Scott's wedding??? How awesome would THAT be??????!!!!!!!!!!
I am an Atlanta based Animation Director dedicated to dreaming up and delivering fun, innovative, and dazzling original animation for TV, Web, and New Media Broadcast. Commercially, I represent an excess of 9 years of studio production experience for as an Animator, Director and Designer. Network clients include Fox, FX, Hulu, IFC, Comedy Central, Cartoon Network (AdultSwim), PBS Kids, Noggin, and Walt Disney Interactive.
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Thank you Aaron - you have totally made my day....... the smile on my face is huge. The joy you are able to find in the most ordinary of places and things is beyond refreshing. Who knew that a double bendy straw could bring such happiness to the world?? My kids are already begging me for some...... I can see it now - "My cousin went to Malaysia for several months and all I asked him to bring back for me were these cool double bendy straws!!" :o) :o)
The real question is this, tho: Will you be able to stash enough away for everyone at Scott's wedding??? How awesome would THAT be??????!!!!!!!!!!
Tell the boys no to fear... im on it!
YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!
I wish you could hear Alex (all of 4 now) yelling for joy in my den...... hee hee!
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