There is a Chinese dish here pronounced "Bah-coo-teh." Essentially it is stewed pork soup and is incredibly good. There is one place in China Town we often venture to for this delight. Along with the pork, they throw in some mushrooms, lettuce, some spongy stuff, and tripe (pig intestine) Imagine a hot dog minus the filling. Trust me, its great. Malaysians have a version substituting beef (daging) for pork that I've yet to try.
Below is my dinner served in a piping hot clay pot. (Say that 3 times fast). This is a classic Chinese table setting: A side of rice, soy sauce, raw garlic and diced chillies. One mixes the garlic, chillies and soy into a small dish for dipping or drizzling. And yes, that
is ice in my beer. I don't remember when I started doing this but it's common here and I love it now. It really helps cut through the day's heat.

This is the outside of the restaurant. Most of these places look like holes in the wall, but serve marvelous food.

The pork is stewed in a big pot with spices and tons of fat, then ladled out onto the cutting board, chopped up and served immediately.