OK, wow - I just found this photo among other misc. pics of things here. I thought I posted it a while back. Anyways, in the middle there is Fendi. He was our guide on a fruitless excursion to see fireflies. He also explained how his best friend died because he ate watermelon, then ate honey. Apparently, Malays consider honey to be "hot" and watermelon to be "cold." If one accidentally mixes the two, disaster occurs. Or, "depending on how strong your blood is, you might just feel a headache." He said. He also told us how he used to be addicted to heroine and how polygamy in Malaysia is legal. "Only if your can prove in front of a panel of officials that your hero," he called it, "is strong by coughing and making it jump." Of course.
It was a great night.
left to right: Me, Fendi, Marty, Adam.
I had actually seen this pic when trolling through your buddies blogs..... *blush* Caught snooping!! I have to admit tho I had fun looking at all of the shots and reading all of the info they posted on daily life there - the markets, the food, the people........ C'mon man, you're slacking here. More info, please!!! :o) :o)
Who's the turd in the black YAD shirt?
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