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Friday, June 27, 2008

"Malaysia, eat your heart out. Fo real!"

Here we are with our new (old), Malaysian Motorcycles. We leased these puppies from a couple of our animators. Crusin' around town has been a blast. Not pictured are our helmets, don't worry mom.

Left to right: Adam on "White Lightning," Me on "Ol Sally Blue Eyes."


Martin Knox said...

Wow. Nice photos. Those rival (and quite possibly beat) the "White Suit Fashion Shoot" we did back in the day.

Judy said...

Awesome pics.... tho what's up with those shoes??? :o) :O)


Aaron Hawkins said...

I admit, rather weak footwear- but when in Rome... wear lame shoes.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Lookout Easy Rider, here comes Brooklyn boy A-Hawk on his mean chopper....ol' blue eyes. LOL, dude you guys look hilarious on those things.